Monday, 1 February 2016

January Favourites 2016!

I really can't believe it's February already, can you? It seems as if this year is going to fly by and soon it will be 2017! I've tried a few new products out this month and these are the ones what have made it into my favourites.

First up is The One Foundation by Makeup Revolution. If you are a regular reader you know how much I rave about this brand. They sell makeup items and they are so affordable. This is in the lightest shade so I like to use this under my eyes and anywhere I want to appear brighter. You can even mix it with a foundation to make it a lighter shade!

Another new favourite of mine is the Technic High Lights - highlighter. Oh my. This is amazing. I love highlighters as I like looking glittery and sparkly if I'm on a night out and this does the job. It's lasts ages too and it doesn't fade in the slightest. 

Next is the Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Deep Treatment. I recently bleached my hair from black to white- blonde myself at home and it went so damaged. It appeared to be snapping so badly and the normal products I used were no longer working. I remember using this a few years back and loving it so I re purchased it and I am so glad I did. The scent is amazing, like bubblegum. I leave it on a bit longer tha 3 minutes but it's made my hair so soft and shiny again. 

Lush. Everyone loves Lush, right? I went there for my normal bath bomb - gutted because they didn't have it - and instead picked this beauty up. The Comforter. I went round the whole shop smelling things and choosing which one to get and this one caught my eye because of the scent. It smells amazing! It's like a mix of blackcurrany and raspberries but it also smells like bubblegum. I've used it twice and I've only used such a small amount, as you can see its bigger than the size of my palm!

Last but not least is The Selfie Stick. I know that everyone had one last year but I didn't want one then. Don't get me wrong, I like taking selfies when I look half decent. I got this so I can take more group pictures with my friends as its always so hard to fit us all in a camera screen. So far it's working a treat. 

Well that's all for my favourites this month. 

What have been your favourites this month? Let me know :)

*This post is not sponsored*


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