Wednesday, 27 January 2016

How I dye my hair pink!

If you know me then you will know I love changing the colour of my hair. I've had it red, blue, brown, black, blonde, even green at one point. Basically every colour/shade. What with me recently bleaching my hair from black to blonde I decided to have a bit of fun with it, this time I chose the colour pink.

A few weeks prior to this I had dyed it red and I had a spare hair dye left over which I didn't use. Said hair dye is the 'La Riche Directions Semi Permanent in the shade Poppy Red'.  The colour is a lot brighter than it appears on camera, I used to use it all the time back when I was at school. I bought this at my local Xtras store for £3.99. However if you can't find this in a store beside you they do sell it online too.

I like this dye as its not damaging to the hair at all, if anything it makes your hair softer. As this is a red hair dye and I wanted it to be pink I mixed this with conditioner. I used about half a bowl of conditioner (any will do) with half of the tub of hair dye. To be honest I was a bit on edge about using this as in the bowl it didn't look the right colour (hence no picture) but I used it anyway. 

As its not damaging to the hair and it has loads of conditioner in it I left it on my hair for about 2 hours even though the tub says to only leave it for 15 minutes. After rinsing from my hair (and leaving the bath in a mess) I let it dry naturally but I could tell it was going to be bright. Don't worry, it doesn't stain the bath, but do apply Vaseline to your face/arms as it will stain skin. After also dying my hair extensions this is the finished look... 

I've got to say I am pretty impressed with how it turned out, I've only washed my hair once since dying it and it's barely faded. The big pro about this product is that if I don't like it I won't have to bleach it out as its only Semi Permanent. 

What's your opinion? Have you used this brand before??

*This post is not sponsored*

Thanks for reading


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