Saturday, 9 August 2014

Hair Care Routine

I decided to do a Hair Care Routine post as I realized I haven't done one yet. If you read my second ever blog post titled Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment Review you would know I am in the process of growing my hair. Since that post I've had it bleached blonde & had a 'trim'. Now I feel like it's getting back in good condition, finally.

My hair used to be a dark-ish red/black (dyed from a bottle) and in one day I had it bleached blonde. After my hair was just a mess. It was snapping off so I decided to get it cut. However the hairdresser cut off a lot more than what I expected her to.

That was back in April, 4 month ago. Now it feels much nicer.

The shampoo and conditioner I began using was the L'Oreal Paris Elvive Nutri-Gloss Crystal Sparkling and L'Oreal Paris Elvive Nutri-Gloss Crystal Sparkling ConditionerIt says it revives dull hair and gives 50% more shine after the first use.
To be honest, I didn't really see much results after the first use. However the second time I used it I did see it looking a little bit more shiny and less damaged.

When my hair was damp I applied a palm sized amount of VO5 Plump It Up Mousse.
Then I would apply a pea sized amount of Argon Oil.
I normally leave it to dry naturally then I straighten it once it's dry.

That's my hair care routine :)
I apologize for the lack of pictures in this post, I am having problems with the camera I use to take the photo's with but it will hopefully be sorted by the next post.

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  1. HI i nominated you for a liebster award! I hope you join in!
    All details on my blog
