Sunday, 25 January 2015

Makeup Revolution Acid Brights Palette First Impression

I haven't done a first impression post in ages so today I felt like posting one about this little beauty.

The Makeup Revolution Redemption Acid Brights Palette. A friend bought me this as a Christmas present and I have used it a couple of times since then. I love this so far. I actually mentioned it in my 2014 favourites post. 

Monday, 19 January 2015

What's on my face? TAG

I can't remember where I first saw this post but I'm sure many bloggers have done this tag before.
Keep reading if you want to see what products I wore on my face today. 

Friday, 16 January 2015

Primark and Boots Haul January 2014!

Hiya. First I just want to apologize for how rubbish this post is probably going to be. I had it all wrote out and was in the middle of editing it and my laptop shut down and I lost it all. I really don't want to make any readers wait another few days while I write it out so I decided to just post the pictures and what it is instead of a chatty post. I'm so sorry and I hope you still enjoy reading it.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Body Image

It took a while for me to decide whether or not I was going to upload this. I recently saw an article what mentioned a picture what had been taken down due to it being 'harmful'.

I took to Twitter and ended up having a conversation with a lovely person about it all. She asked me if I was going to write about it here. So I did.

The picture in question was a mannequin. Said mannequin had a thigh gap. People found this harmful. Therefore the picture had to be removed.

This really annoyed me as everyone comes in different shapes and sizes. No one can help the way they look. Damn, I have a thigh gap and I can't change that. It actually is really offending.

I mean you don't see people complaining about plus size mannequins do you? So why complain about thin mannequins?

Everyone at some point in their life will worry about their image. They will worry if they are too fat or too thin. They will worry if they don't think they are pretty enough. This is what media does to people. It makes people think that they have to have the right curves to be pretty. 

I think everyone is gorgeous in their own way. Please do not worry about the way you look. Embrace it. Love it. 

I never used to care about the way I looked until I was around 16. I started to see more models with the perfect bodies and though to my self well why can't I look like that?

I have learnt to not care about my weight. I don't care if I'm not perfect.

Excuse the horrid hair but this is the only full body shot I have of myself. This picture shows my thigh gap.
I used to get bullied in school about the way I looked. I think I just have one of those faces people hate (haha). 

I posted that picture because I have learnt to love myself for the way I am. If you don't you should too. 

In the end who cares what you look like as long as you are healthy? Being healthy and well is all that should matter.

Hello girls (and guys if you're reading) this is a bit of a different post and I'm really sorry if it's all jumbled but I had to get my point across. I don't know how well this post is going to go down but it is my opinion. 

Thank you so much for reading. Let me know what your views on Body Image is down below.

Follow me on Bloglovin' and Twitter. 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

2014 Favourites!

Happy New Year Everyone! Did you all have a good year? What's your New Years resolutions? I don't really have any this year.

I'm a bit late in posting this. It should have really been posted on the 1st but I've only got round to doing it now. Sorry :) 

I decided I'm not going to talk much about the product as you can probably see why I love them.